Esperanza Para Vida Mission and (Hope of Life) network with HDRI in providing medical supplies, equipment and humanitarian aid to be used by those in need in hospitals and clinics throughout the Guatemala . The hospitals and clinics provide much-needed medical care to many of the needy and disadvantaged people of their areas; in most cases charging nothing; in other cases, charging only the minimum amount for fees needed to provide the medical care. The regions they serve are some of the over twenty targeted areas by the World Health Organization to combat various degenerative diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer, diabetes, aids and heart disease. Some diseases are spreading at epidemic rates. The lack of properly equipped medical facilities and the lack of medical supplies further contributes to the ongoing challenge of saving lives–especially the children, the elderly, and the handicapped. In addition, HDRI works closely with representatives of these agencies to help respond to their ongoing needs

Provides $50,000 of Medical Supplies
Your gift of $500 towards Heart Disease will provide 100 times worth of medical supplies totaling in $50,000 towards children in need.